Developing Relationships Using Music Beliefs Emotions Attitudes and Thoughts
DRUMBEAT has been developed over many years by the Holyoake Institute (WA) enabling people to better engage the world around them. Combining cognitive process and group drumming, participants explore social issues and topics relevant to their peers that assist in building resilience and develop life skills that lead to healthy relationships, and increased social responsibility.
DRUMBEAT Core Elements
There are five core elements of the program:
1 Core Rhythms: participants learn to play rhythms with the group - increasing focus, concentration and
teamwork skills.
2 Rhythm Games: promotes fun learning and developing social skills that improve emotional regulation and
increase self-esteem.
3 Discussion: Storytelling and opportunities to talk about relevant social themes for participants lead to personal
insights and growth. Assists participants to improve social skills that support healthy relationships.
4 Improvisation: explores creativity and self-expression, and supports problem solving.
5 Performance: demonstrates potential for participants and belonging within community.