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Combines experiential rhythmic music with cognitive
reflection for wellbeing and development

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Rhythm2Recovery is an integrated model of practice that combines experiential rhythmic music with cognitive reflection and draws upon a number of well documented therapeutic approaches, that deliver positive psychological and physiological outcomes. These include research on the benefits of participatory music, the vast documentation that supports cognitive behavioural therapy, and more recent studies showcasing the benefits of acceptance and commitment therapy, positive psychology and mindfulness.

At R2R our work with rhythm stems from an understanding of the way in which music impacts the brain to support human bonding, improve learning retention and increase emotional regulation.

Our ancestors have known the healing power of rhythmic music for centuries, with almost all indigenous cultures having a traditional role for music in their healing ceremonies. The drum more than any other instrument had been used in this way; to bring people together, to assist with communication, to transport people to a spiritual dimension, and to heal the restless spirit.

The 5 R’s:

Rhythm2recovery programs draw on our unique experience in connecting drum-circle games and exercises to a client’s issues or concerns using analogy and metaphor. This process avoids confronting questioning, instead prompting self-reflection and personal understanding in a safe, fun and empowering way. Reflection is central to psychological growth and behavioral change.

Behind many of the presenting issues that contribute to social isolation or alienation are relational problems. Insecure attachment, abuse or neglect, family conflict, domestic violence, and many other permutations. Rhythm2Recovery programs focus on building a trusting therapeutic alliance that extends to increased understanding and confidence in daily social interaction, reducing social isolation and building healthy social networks.

Evidence based practice underlies every aspect of our work. This evidence base derives not only from the latest research on effective therapeutic practice but also on an extensive history of practice based learning. Program content, exercises and delivery methods, are field tested to ensure their flexibility & effectiveness, in response to individual client needs and circumstances.

Rhythm2Recovery programs focus on increasing resilience by increasing levels of social and emotional competence and self-belief. These act to ensure that in the face of adversity participants have the skills, support and efficacy to bounce back and regain their sense of security and stability. Through R2R programs clients learn how better to negotiate their way through life’s many challenges, whilst maintaining hope for a brighter future.

Rhythm2Recovery programs utilise the latest neuroscience on the use of rhythmic exercise as a therapeutic medium for supporting people with emotional disorders. Primal brain structures that regulate the ‘stress response’ can be positively impacted through rhythmic input and assist people gain control over their emotions, reduce anxiety levels and increase well-being. R2R practitioners are experts in the use of rhythmic exercises to develop mindfulness, improve emotional regulation and provide people with a newfound sense of connection and grounding.


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